Financial Summary - Societatea Comerciala Studioul Cinematografic Anim
Unique identification code: 338819
Registration number: J40/12353/1991
Nace: 5911
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Societatea Comerciala Studioul Cinematografic Anim - Unique Identification Number 338819: 224.258 euro, registering a net profit of -151.576 euro and having an average number of 1 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Activitati de productie cinematografica, video si de programe de televiziune having the NACE code 5911.
Sales - Ron25K26K29K31K36K39K42K45K2014201420152015201620162017201720182018201920192020202020232023


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2023
CAEN 5911 5911 5911 5911 5911 5911 5911 5911
ACTIVE IMOBILIZATE - TOTAL 1.279.812 1.243.533 1.207.254 1.639.131 1.602.852 1.566.573 1.530.294 1.420.129
CAPITALURI - TOTAL, din care: 339.983 197.522 135.304 492.038 439.819 440.406 441.668 428.233
Capital subscris varsat 107.735 107.735 107.735 107.735 107.735 107.735 107.735 107.735
Cifra de afaceri neta 113.307 113.989 128.118 140.062 167.091 186.754 204.128 224.258
VENITURI TOTALE 135.401 114.029 133.795 149.946 167.334 186.754 204.128 246.261
CHELTUIELI TOTALE 203.435 237.042 196.013 261.368 219.553 186.567 202.866 322.049
Profit brut 0 0 0 0 0 187 1.262 0
Pierdere bruta 68.034 123.013 62.218 111.422 52.219 0 0 75.788
Profit net 0 0 0 0 0 187 1.262 0
Pierdere neta 68.034 123.013 62.218 111.422 52.219 0 0 75.788
ACTIVE CIRCULANTE - TOTAL, din care: 238.739 238.582 271.067 253.137 226.601 237.308 312.247 397.596
Numar mediu de salariati 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Stocuri 212.920 212.920 212.920 212.920 212.920 212.920 212.920 212.920
Creante 24.322 20.684 46.749 28.083 13.663 15.202 52.525 182.087
Casa si conturi la bãnci - - 11.398 12.134 18 9.186 46.802 2.589
Casa si conturi la banci 1.497 4.978 - - - - - -
CHELTUIELI IN AVANS - 8.188 8.188 8.188 - - - -
DATORII 1.178.568 1.292.781 1.351.205 1.408.418 1.389.634 1.363.475 1.400.873 1.389.492

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